
1 Game Reviews

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Noticed when you die in that red place after double jump, you... lose access to the red place? The reset checkpoint is back to normal area, which does still have progression, but is that intended?

If it's meant to be a single chance thing maybe a line of dialogue to indicate you failed instead of simply being reset back the same as any death would be nice, or if it's a bug, well.

Had a bit of a grievance with the fact when you walk off an edge you lose both jumps instead of only losing your first of two, as well, but that's just personal opinion.

Touching walls or ceiling also feels pretty iffy in how it basically impairs your movement. Also maybe a design choice?

If you shoot in front of a chest the interact option goes away, leading to walking away and back in front to have interact again. Likewise, intended? Kind of annoying while (admittedly totally user error) leads to pressing the wrong button then not being able to simply follow up with the correct one while standing there.

Also if you are shooting or jumping while moving between rooms it continues to do the action while going through, which can be a tad annoying in a sfx way.

Anyways, you'll note that these are all pretty minor things (especially the last two) instead of huge flaws, but because it's mostly fairly solid of what I've played so far.

I guess outside of that maybe make the first boss a bit harder? I guess there's a bit of a balance between how you can basically only take one hit at that point, and ease of avoidance, but personally I'd maybe make the blocks spawn that spawn after the boss moves up come in faster. None of it's attacks really had much risk.

But yeah, nice work.

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Age 29, Female

Joined on 2/18/13

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